Back in M-Town

Hmm.... I don't have anything too exciting to say, but I figured it was time to write something new.
Well, I'm actually back at home for the weekend. I'm here because tomorrow Seth and Sam are coming here to Mahomet. I'm really excited about it! They are playing their own music (not MikesChair stuff) for Mahomet's Battle of the Bands. They're the exhibition band. I love their music, and so I'm happy to share the love! :) I just headed home a day early to take advantage of time with the family. :) Even though they're coming down to Nashville next weekend. The way I see it, I can't have too much family! They're THAT awesome!! :)
It's crazy how 6 hrs. alone in the car can seem so long, but at the same time it can seem short as soon as I get home. Chelsie was going to come with me, but in the end couldn't. Which was sad... but at the same time, 6 hrs. to just think and be with God can be good! I got to listen to some awesome music and was reminded of God's incomprehensible love once again!! It reminds me of Isaiah 40, which we read in Bible Study on Monday. If you haven't read that chapter in a long time, you should do it, because it's awesome!! Isaiah starts off with writing about how awesome and amazing and HUGE God is, and it's amazing. It's so incredible that he created the whole universe and it's ALL under His control!! Yet, I worry about my silly little life. When obviously He's totally got it all in His perfect plan. If He can take care of the entire universe and calls every single star by name, why in the world do I worry so much about everything little thing in my life!!??? I'm so ridiculous!! And then, the end of Isaiah 40 says, "And he who hopes in the Lord will renew his strength. He will mount up with wings like eagles. He will run and not grow weary. He will walk and not grow faint."
This just boggles my mind. I can't even begin to comprehend the greatness and faithfulness of God, but yet all He wants me to do is put my trust in Him. He will take care of the rest. I can't even wrap my mind around that. He's so big and I'm so small, yet I have nothing to worry about. I can't even express how this makes me feel in words!!
Ok... this is not such a good segue, but on to the next topic. Brandon was in Nashville for the weekend and I got to see him! (He is the dashing young man in the photo with me.:) Isn't it strange how sometimes you don't know how much you miss some one until you see them again. And once I saw him and hung out with him, I realized how truly upset I was going to be that he would be in Germany for 5 months!! Belmont just isn't as fun without him. :( But, we had a great time. He and Casey and Eric and I went to the girls' basketball game and watched us beat Mercer. :) And then Travis, Brandon, Eric and I went to Dan McGuiness to have fish and chips. And there was of course a great game of Family Feud to follow. I love those guys. I have no idea what my college experience would be like without them. They crack me up... even when I have no idea what they're talking about.
Well, I suppose I should be getting to play "Disney Scene It" with Hannah. I love board/party games. I think I'm honestly "old at heart." Leave a comment!! I'd love to see who's reading my truly interesting blog
Liz is cool!
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