Whew... time flies!

Ok... It's been too long since I've written a new blog. I feel like I wrote the last one ages ago. And much has happenned. If you are wondering about the sleep thing, it didn't really get "better." God has taught me a lot through it, and has even taught me to take my doctor's advice! So, as much as I hate to admit this, I am taking some sleeping pills and should be getting smaller dosages within the next couple of weeks so that I can get off the pills, yet still sleep. My body was a little too out of the habit... so we're "classically conditioning" it. haha :)
WHICH reminds me of my Education class this semester. I really am excited about it since it's Human Development and so it should be really interesting and I know I'll learn a lot... a lot of useful stuff too! The only bad part is that she has essentially made the class graduate level. The Education classes here at Belmont have both undergrad and grad students and usually there are extra projects for the graduate students to do. Unfortunately, she has just decided that we ALL will do them. Which is a bummer since I'm not getting a masters or anything. Oh well... it HAS to be better than last semester!! haha
I think I'm really going to enjoy my classes this semseter. There will be more work than I was hoping, but to be in classes that I'm interested in is such a blessing!! I really can't complain.
Let's see.... I miss Spain!! And all the people there. I think it hits me at random times. Plus, Sarah B. got to go and visit her AWESOME sister Eva in Barcelona and when she was telling me about it... I offically got SUPER jealous!! Wow... I would really love to go back. The food, the language. Oh boy... I'm getting so nostalgic!! haha... And I really miss Spanish. It's my first semester since junior high that I haven't been in a Spanish class. Yo echo de menos hablar in espanol! (ok... i don't know how to do the symbols on here, so that sentence will have to be grammatically incorrect for now.)
Ok... on to the "good stuff." The past week and a half in Nasvhille have overall been fantastic. First of all, one of the most awesome people in the whole world... Lauren B. came to visit me last weekend and we did the "Nashville in 3 day" thing. You know, Opryland, Wildhorse, Shelby Ave. ha!! No really... it was awesome! This is actually where the photo comes from!! It's us at the Opryland hotel. It was so great for her to come and meet people and everything.
And I'm really excited about this semester and hanging out with friends that unfortunately I lost a bit of contact with for a while. And of course!! Making new friends! I'm excited to see what this semester has to offer. The family is coming too in a couple of weeks... so I suppose I'll have to make another stop at Wildhorse.
Honestly, I doubt that any of you have read this far, but if you have, I will now write my "deep" stuff. It's amazing how life doesn't go how you expect it. No... seriously... it doesn't at all. Which is hard to accept, but unbelievably awesome at the same time. I thought I knew how everything was going to go in my life, and I honestly have done as much as possible to try to make it go how I want it to... but it won't work. haha.. but, the amazing part is that God will lead it how HE wants it to go! And honestly.... that's got to be WAY better than my plan!! So, there's my "deepness" for this blog. Life is out of your control... but it's in God's. So rejoice!
Well, there you have it. I'm sure this is one of the most awesome things you have ever read. I'm glad I could provide that for you. haha! Have a great week every one!
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