Friday, January 06, 2006

Family Chat

Well, this is my first post and I can't think of much to say. Maybe I'll have to start putting my poems on here. I will admit to my caving to this comes from the fact that my friend Erin has a blog about her time in Mexico. And I can't comment without a blog on here! And let's admit it. I give in to trends. :) So, even though I don't have a lot to say, I'll be saying it on here! ha!

Today is Hannah's birthday (my 14 yr. old sister). It was pretty fun! I went to see Cheaper by the Dozen 2 with her and a couple of her friends. Yeah, I know... I'm pretty sure I blended in with them and no one knew I was 7 years older. haha :) But, it was a good movie. It was cute. A family with 12 kids is seriously crazy!! But, at the same time it made me want to be a part of a big family... well, and have a big family. It brought me back to the days that I wanted to have 7 kids. The craziness, never a dull moment, the love. Then again, I'm sure it wouldn't be as easy as Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt make it look. However, movies like that always make me appreciate my family, and (hopefully) the fact that one day I'll start another family. :) There really is no one that knows me like my family. Yet no one that loves me like that. (Well, obvioulsy other than Jesus) They know all the annoying and wierd things about me, but at the same time would do anything for me, and me for them. I don't know how to describe it without being really cheesy and feeling stupid. You know... it's all about the love... it's the concept of true love. The more you love, the more you see past the problems and you love them despite and even because shortcomings.

Oh dear... all of this rambling all from a Cheaper by the Dozen sequel. Maybe I need to think less. Actually, I know that to be true. So, next blog, maybe I'll try not to think. :)

Well, I'm off... only 2 days left at home before I head to Nashville again! Why do breaks always pass too quickly? :)


Blogger erin marie said...

Yay! I inspired a blog! I feel so accomplished!

8:03 PM  

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