End of the Summer!
So, the summer is winding up and I'm heading back to Nashville in just a week! I can't believe how quickly the summer has passed! Before I know it, I'll be back into life in Nashville, classes and life there. I'm torn because I'm excited to get back and see my friends there and get back into the "school swing," but at the same time I'm sad to leave my family. It might be the last week that I ever live at home! And I'm certainly going to miss my sisters. Hannah is going to be in high school, and now Deborah is going on to college, so Deborah and I are going to be leaving Hannah at home... I hope she survives just with my parents. =)
This summer I've really enjoyed spending time with and getting to know the children and youth at Grace. I've also learned a lot about ministry and how I feel that it works. In the past, I've always thought that it was "powerful speaking," worship and loud music/movies that brought people into the church, but that's not it at all. I've realizing that it's love and the presence of God that draw us into the church, and more importantly, into a relationship with Christ. I've seen how churches and Christians totally confuse the name of Jesus and make us feel like God is something to be marketed... which couldn't be further from the truth! We can not market God (that doesn't mean people don't try... and haven't appeared to succeed), but instead we can experience Him. And that is when others are drawn into a relationship with Him. When they are drawn into the experience. Christ's love is overwhelming. And can only inspire awe and humility. But, when we try to "sell" God's love, we give people a false sense of who He is and how He desires a relationship with them.
Now, I'm sure my opinions on all things spiritual will change and expand as I draw closer to God and learn more about Him in time. But, as for now, these are my reflections... and how my views on God and the church are changing. I'm excited to see where He takes me from here!
I hope you have all had a marvelous summer as well! And that the end is relaxing for you! Have a great week!
(Dave and I went camping and hiking this past weekend... here is a picture of us! Enjoy!)