So, I just got back from the Lake House in Michigan visiting my mom's extended family. It was so fun! The lake house involves staying in a 3 bedroom ranch right on the lake with about 20 people for almost a whole week! It's so fun, but it's also crazy! Aunt Stephanie has 7 kids ranging from 2-19 years old. And there was my family and then Aunt Jennifer with 2 of her kids. It's just so fun to hang out with my family and see every one.
I think one of my most favorite parts of the week was watching and listening to my little cousins say the cutest things. For example, my little cousin Kimberly who is 4 years old told us one night that she was going outside to "praise the Lord" and that she didn't want any one else to go outside to distract her. Well, then through the window we saw her dancing around and she was saying things such as, "God made everything.... And it is all beautiful... and God made me... and I am beautiful... and He is so big and amazing..."
How awesome is that?! I wish I praised like that. I've been realizing recently how easy it is for me to come to God just with a list of stuff I want and need or "feel" like I need. And I very rarely go to Him to just thank and praise him. And I CERTAINLY do not go to Him to just listen. And THAT is what I need to be doing! Another time my mom was sitting on the dock trying to just be quiet and listen to what God was telling her. And then Kimberly came up to her and asked her what she was doing. My mom said she was listening to Jesus' voice and asked Kimberly if she ever heard the voice of God. And Kimberly said, "well... I usually talk so much that I don't have time to listen to Jesus."
It was so cute, and also so true. I would try to gloss over the fact that I don't take the time to shut up and listen to what God is trying to tell me. I just try to keep "plowing through." and instead of listening to what He is trying to tell me, I am always trying to "do" things, either for myself or even for Him. When that's not what I'm supposed to do... It would be better for me to just stop and listen instead of always trying to just keep going and plugging my ears to hear what's really going on... and what He really wants me to hear. Whether it's a challenge or a an encouragement. So, I guess there we go... I need to stop and listen. Why am I even blogging right now? haha =)
Here are some pictures from the week! Enjoy!
Andrew, Hannah, Joe and Emily for a Jet Ski Ride!
We somehow ended up all giving each other foot rubs.

It was so windy and made so many waves that we needed to wear goggles! We felt like such dorks... haha =)

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