Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Just a Photographic Entry

Here are some updated photos from the end of my Junior Year!! I can't believe I'm now officially a Senior at Belmont. Now I only have a year to decide what I have to do after college... the pressure is on! :-)Happy Easter!! Here are two of my awesome cousins, Wade and Kyle. My sisters, Deborah and Hannah are sitting in the front. For Easter Day we went to Grandma Carley's house and spent most of the day on the sun porch, even though there were thunderstorm and tornado warnings. It took us several hours to smarten up and head to the basement. :-) It was one of the most fun Easters that I can remember.

Here is some family on my mom's side of the family. Cousin Rachel and Lincoln are in the photo with Aunt Suzanne. We spent a weekend in Murray, Kentucky watching Lincoln play baseball. It was SOO awesome to get to see them! We had a lot of fun and I'm so glad that it worked out for us to get together even though we are living in Tennessee, Texas, Colorado and Kentucky.

Travis, me and Eric at a birthday party. I'm going to miss these guys over the summer!

This is a group of girls at my friend Samantha's Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party. She's going to get married in August. I can't believe my friends are starting to get married! It's so exciting. We had SOOO much fun! I can't wait until there are more friends getting married. And more parties! :-)

Now, meet Dave. He is the newest awesome part of my life!! We met on a blind date a while ago, and we've been having so much fun since then. He is such an amazing guy and we took this picture in downtown Nashville when he took me to the symphony. He is currently studying Classical Music Composition at the graduate level. He's been challenging me in so many ways and teaching me so much about life and faith and I love it! :-)

Dave and I (on the right) went camping and hiking at Fall Creek Falls with some of his friends this past weekend. I had never done the camping thing before, and it was SOO fun!! I'm excited to go again sometime. Fall Creek Falls is also SO beautiful.. I recommend it if you like hiking and/or nature.
Here is me and Dave hiking. We stopped for a bit for a photo break!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dreams and Dancing

Well, I have officially decided that it has been TOO long since I've written on here! I'm sure there are just DOZENS of people who have tried to check my blog and there hasn't been anything new. (haha)

Well, let's think. I've been doing quite a bit of baby-sitting. And I love it. I usually baby-sit for a little girl named Emily, but more recently I've been baby-sitting for her friend Caroline as well and they crack me up!! It makes me want to be a little kid again. Totally innocent and oblivious to the judgements of those around you. Just a couple of weeks ago we were eating ice cream outside of Maggie Moos and they told me they HAD to do the "crazy tango" for me. So, of course they start doing a ridiculously silly dance in front of all the other people eating outside and giggling so hard they were falling over. And then when the thunder started in the background, Caroline told the lady next to us that there would be a storm. And the lady smiled politely and inside I think she was just as jealous of Caroline as I was.
So often I'm concerned with what other people think and out of fear I don't do what my heart cries out to do!! Why NOT do the "crazy tango" outside of Maggie Moos!? For crying out loud, it would be SOO much fun! And when is the last time I giggled so hard that I fell down? Or talked to random people in the park and got to know them? And then played "pirates" with them!? It's been WAY too long!!

Why is it that I think I have all these "rules" to follow instead of following my heart and do what I'm longing to do?! Does it really matter what people will think of me? Only God's opinion should matter to me. And honestly, I think he has put a lot of these desires and dreams in our hearts that we try to push away! Let them out guys!! Let them out Elizabeth!! We should all feel free to dance and sing and cry whenever we need to or want to. And pursue our dreams with reckless abandonment. That's it. Right now as I write this I've decided that THAT is what I'm going to do!! Now... if only I knew exactly what my dreams were. (haha) When I was 4 years old, my dreams were very easy to figure out.

Hmmm... but now that I think about it, maybe my dreams are so much simpler than I'm trying to make them! Maybe my dreams don't have to be so defined!! A bowl of ice cream and a hand to hold. Now THERE'S a good dream. Or playing in the rain. Or speaking Spanish the next time I'm in a Mexican restaurant. Those are all little dreams. Now I just have to let go of my fears and follow them!

Ok... wow... I didn't plan on ranting that much. Maybe that doesn't even make sense. But, for now, it's what I'm feeling. Before I go, I MUST write about a conversation I had with Emily (the girl I baby-sit).
Emily: Are you married?
Me: No... I've never been married.
Emily: Then, how do you have your driver's license?

And with that final quote, I'm going to get back to packing. I'll put up new pictures soon! So, keep checking back! :-)